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At The Bridge School, we have some of the best, most talented, hardworking students there are! That’s why we’re proud to shine the light on them and their accomplishments in our special student spotlight series.

This week, we’re highlighting one of our students, Sara Guo, who has gone above and beyond here at The Bridge School.

Check it out below!

Student Spotlight

Sara is a dedicated and motivated student at The Bridge School.  Sara is committed to both her education and her pursuit of a dance career in ballet. Her passion for learning has been a driving force in Sara’s life from a young age, aligning seamlessly with her love for performing.

Sara genuinely enjoys meeting new people and savoring their company, although she does occasionally require moments of solitude to recharge her introverted self. During these quieter times, you’ll often find Sara engrossed in a captivating drama or taking leisurely walks in her neighborhood while immersing herself in a podcast.

If Sara could choose any place in the world to reside, it would undoubtedly be Switzerland. The allure of this picturesque country has been a long-held dream of hers, fostered by the countless enchanting tales and images she has encountered through the screen of her phone.

One of Sara’s notable strengths is her adaptability. She thrives in novel environments, relishing the challenges they present. Embracing change and welcoming new situations is a fundamental aspect of Sara’s identity, and it’s what keeps life exciting for her.

Watch Sara’s Video Below

Congratulations, Sara! Thanks for sharing your story with us!

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